
Cuz the last ones were a hit

This weekend we have my uncle Keith, aunt Susan, and cousin Kim staying with us. They are here in celebration of General Conference and D.I. (can I get a woot woot?), and it's been a seriously fun weekend. I have been awful at taking pictures (like I don't even have a single one), but we went on a walk tonight and lil sister Mariah brought her camera and we made a lovely group GIF. So...enjoy!
PS to Kim: you are definitely my favorite one to watch. You win the "pose variety" award.
PS to the general public: Mariah gets all the credit for the heavy lifting again. Don't we all think she should get a blog? 
Yes, yes we do.


  1. LOL...I can't stop laughing!!! This is SOOOOOOOOOOO awesome!!! LOL.... I should be sleeping, but instead, I'm watching this and giggling. I LOVE IT! :D

    1. I know right??! It's hard to stop watching. It was so fun to have you here! Can't wait til you have to come back to get that furniture ;)

  2. Wow - that is hilarious! I can't stop watching it. Too fun!

    1. Next month. Or the one after. However the timing works out, WE WILL MAKE ONE. If you want :)

  3. You are so great!! I am so glad I can call you my friend!
