
Thank you, Hercules, for interrupting my focus.

Tonight, my math homework is mostly making sense, and I am just really happy about that. Because nobody told me that when they said "abstract algebra" they really meant "boatload of stuff you'll never fully grasp." But I suppose I should have heard that in the "abstract" bit. Anyway, all my usual complaints are invalid tonight because this stuff is actually working out! Woot. 

A couple days ago, I was asked to accompany a few songs (anywhere from 3 to 10) for my friend's choirs. She teaches junior high choir classes, and apparently those accompanists don't always come through, which is a shame, but hey, it takes me right back to my glory days, so I'm happy with it. If you're not busy next Wednesday evening, holler at me and you can come to my choir concert! Woot.

I haven't mentioned on here how much I loved general conference this last weekend, so I shall do so now. I LOVED CONFERENCE SO MUCH. Not only did I receive answers to the questions I had prepared, I got answers to questions I didn't plan on having for a couple years or so. Favorite talks: Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Ballard, Sister Burton. And one that's kicking me in gear with some serious goal-making: Elder Scott's. God really does speak to us today; this I know to be true.

Something I found cute: 

And a video that has me laughing my fool head off/changing my response to any and all things "disappointing" forever:
Read the description, then watch. Or vice versa. Just make sure you do both. And it's only 13 seconds long, so you're welcome for that. (Does anyone else completely ignore any YouTube videos that are longer than a minute? Anyone??)

Ok back to mathematics now. DISAPPOINTED!


  1. laughing my head off. i will now be saying that to you on a regular basis.

    be excited.
