
Between semesters

This "between semesters" time has been wonderful for me.

I unplugged almost completely. Except for checking/deleting emails and texts and calls on my phone, I have used very little technology. This means that I unfortunately have read none of y'all's blogs...sorry. Also, what is this "Facebook" people talk about sometimes?

I have spent lots of time with people. I worked on Thursday, went shopping with family and played with friends both Friday and Saturday, and chose to go to game night after ward prayer tonight. I was exceptionally friendly during church today since I went to new member meeting during second hour and it was packed. We had old family friends over for dinner tonight and I lamented greatly that I couldn't stay longer and chat. These social things are not normal for me! (I may write a post about this in the near future.)

I also spent a good chunk of time with my puzzle and good music, of course. 

I cleaned a lot of this house on Saturday because I had nothing else to stop me from doing so. It felt great, surprisingly. 

I bought cute clothes for summer. Picture neon, gray, and navy, and gold sparkles. Not all at once though! Gosh. Anyways, Ross and I may or may not have finally become friends. This is a big deal since I often avoid shopping at Ross because of two rookie mistakes in my earlier years. Half of that stuff needs to go back, though. Dang it. 

And I started making some excellent early-summer plans. I'm keeping things pretty low key this summer since I could potentially experience a few major hiccups in my plans, and I don't want to have a load of expectations get smashed. But I'm thinking lots of DQ, probably some extra time on campus just for fun (I love my school), and plenty of hikes-that-aren't-hikes, such as Bridal Veil and Battlecreek, in addition to some deep cleaning (of my drawers, closet, bathroom, life, etc.) and some dating and some serious ward involvement. But I mean, we're talking very low key here.

I've never used my off-school time as well as I have in this last week, so I'm just feeling pretty good is all. 
That's what I came here to say. 

But while I'm here: I know that I end every blog post with a mention of how good life is; this is because it is always true! I hope it doesn't come across as fake or conceited or anything in between. I just want my posterity (and my current readers, of course) to know that I always have more blessings than I can count or measure and that I try to deliberately look for them. I think this is a huge key to living happily and healthily: recognizing each day what parts of your life are good and being thankful for them. Quoth President Hinckley:

"Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."

And it's summer, so go enjoy yo'self some SUN.

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