
Help me pleeeeeease

Just rill quick, I need to know the most comfortable pair of shoes you have ever owned and where you got them! Especially if they were sandals. Especially if those sandals had a strap around the back.

It's because I go to work on a reg'lar schedule now and work means standing for 5 hours, which I really don't mind but apparently my feet do mind. But I don't think they'd mind if I gave them some better shoes! And I found some cute ones at Ross the other day with lots of support for $23 which was awesome, but then I wore them around the house and realized that a half size too small is really a half size too small in this case (because sometimes I can get away with it). 

So I will be returning those lovelies and crying sometime in the next 30 days, but if anyone were to make an excellent recommendation on here, I would probably cry less.

Also, while I'm here can I just say that I firmly believe $206 for a used textbook is ridiculous under any and all circumstances. 

And also, this is adorbs:
But please do NOT worry about yourself. Worry about me (cuz I need new shoes) and post a comment. kthanksloveyoubye


  1. Oh, the shoe problem. I feel ya, sister. My first few weeks of longer shifts hurt my feet too, but within a month your long shifts probably won't really bother them anymore. Tasha and I own identical cheap leather sandals we found at Payless. They're a lot like a Saltwater (you can google Saltwater sandals if you aren't familiar with them) but cheaper and from Payless. I'm sure you'll see them soon, since Tasha wears them like 3 times a week. They're comfy and sturdy and...probably not sold anymore. Sorry. But I'm guessing they come in with new similar styles every year. Anything similar to the Saltwater will probably be comfortable. Good luck!

  2. Well, one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own are made by Clark's. I think a lot of people buy Clark's for work because of that... but they are expensive.

    Having worked retail for 9 years, I would stand on my feet for 8 hours sometimes and I found that Payless shoes were poo and I would often change them partway through my shift (changing your shoes will help, too), but I think my work shoe requirements were different than yours if sandals were acceptable, so maybe that's different.

    I once found a pair of flip-flops at American Eagle that were sorta squishy and very comfortable, but I don't know anything about the consistency of their stuff or whether flip-flops would be appropriate for your job.

    Anyway, this isn't very helpful. Maybe try those thingies you put in the bottom of shoes to make them comfortable?

  3. Haha that video and then you. You're funny and I like it.
    I feel like there might be no such thing as shoes that are cute AND comfortable to wear while standing for hours.
    the most comfortable shoes I have are a pair of pumas. I've had them since the seventh grade, but they still do the trick.

    I wish you luck in your shoe search.

  4. Hm. Remember last year when you went shoe shopping with me cause my feet hurt real bad?
    Famous is still the only place I've been able to find comfortable shoes in my size, but I have a weirder foot size I guess.
    Best of luck in your search. Your feel will toughen up soon enough either way. Post pictures whenever you find some!

  5. Thanks to you all!! I will be on the hunt and will likely let you know when my story becomes a success story. Cuz who doesn't love a good success story.
