
To-do list

:: send letters to 3 missionaries
:: prep for my new job (set up training, direct deposit, etc.)
:: some homework
:: stop being a jerk about how my family is on spring break and I'm not
:: learn how to become friends with boys
:: memorize 3 hymns
:: Conference on Saturday (singing in Conference, that is)
:: stop worrying about small stuff I can't fix
:: blog about Mexico (ugh I am the worst)
:: course evaluations
:: stop getting easily overwhelmed

Dunno if you can tell but I'm a little stressed out tonight.
I really don't have any sort of extra load compared to usual but I'm having the strugs for some reason. 

The good news is that I only have 2 group projects, 3 analysis assignments, 4 geometry assignments, 1 paper, and 1 family history project before this semester is OVER. It sounds like a lot in a list like that but honestly, I am done with all midterms so it is just assignments from here until finals, and I can handle that. 

Guys. I can do this.
I probably need a glance through my inspire folder. Hang on a sec.

Oh look what I found!

Ah. It's perfect. 
Who woulda thunk it'd be Calvin and Hobbes tonight?
Not I. But I'll take it. 

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