
A documentation of the first time I've ever broken a shoe

So yesterday I had an unfortunate experience called: my shoe broke. I was just wearing a pair of pretty cheap and pretty awful sandals, so I suppose I asked for it? In any case, it was incredibly inconvenient since I was almost as far away from my car as I could possibly be on campus, and I was not yet finished with classes so going home for different shoes meant wasted gas, and I had an assignment I needed to finish in the two hours before class, and I didn't plan time to go home (20 min both ways) in those two hours on top of that assignment, blah blah blah.

Oh and I happened to wear a skirt yesterday because it's the most comfortable article of clothing in my closet, but skirts make me feel weird when I wear them with a backpack. And I won a prize in floral design lecture and we made flower wraps in floral design lab, so I was carrying flowers in both hands, which meant I didn't actually have room to also carry SANDALS. I must have looked like a right clown.

Ugh my life is so so so hard.

I realize I'm being ridiculous to complain about this, but please know I'm not really complaining. It happened on a lovely day to have to walk barefoot, and I actually love carrying flowers around because they're pretty, and so even though I felt completely conspicuous, I'm sure I was just being a baby.

Anyway, here's a picture my friend took of me in my ridiculousness:
She did not happen to mention that my choice of pose made me look like I needed a bathroom as much as I needed shoes, but whatev.

And since I was very very excited about my flowers, here's a close-up on that bouquet:

If I'm completely honest (and I'm nothing if not honest), I don't miss the sandals one bit.

The end.

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