It is a new semester and I have a full load of fresh new classes. I love new semesters. I talk about this often, but I really just do love school and homework and learning and stuff. This semester is a good blend of generals and major requirements, plus my one fun class (of course).
So! Here's what I'm taking currently:
History of Learning in Art, Science, and Technology (1500 to present) :: Completely fascinating. This was my decision after I pled for advice. It was the one which was harder but more interesting, basically, and I think I chose correctly. There is an online class discussion every Wednesday, so it's a 3 hour class credit with only 2 class hours. #winning
Communication in Organizational Settings :: AKA business writing AKA how to write a rockin cover letter and a nice looking memo. This class mostly just requires us to blog and comment on each others' blogs, which is pretty easy homework. There's also a strong grammar emphasis for the first half of the course, which is apparently scary for most people but I don't mind it. The professor's great. Bonus: I'm taking this with Joe!! Awww.
Combinatorics :: Math math math math math math math. I didn't take a real math class last semester, and now I'm on my very last one. WAHOOOOOOOOOO. It's pretty interesting, I guess, but I have, like, math senioritis or something. But wahoo for the end of upper level math classes!
Teaching with Technology :: This is my other major class for this semester and it's pretty interesting. Basically, we learn how technology in a math classroom can enhance learning. For our first activity, we explored how and why nobody uses logarithms anymore, and I found it completely entertaining. I think Joe might vicariously take this class this semester because I tell him everything I learn. (Actually, I'm just realizing that applies to every class I ever take. Huh. He's getting a steal of a deal for his tuition.)
Interior Plants and Landscapes :: This one is the wildcard fun class. I am so obsessed with plants and flowers, it's not even funny anymore. So I'm taking a class that will teach me how to be a plant lady! It's just like floral design, except now things come in pots and there's no lab fee. And the textbook's smaller. And class is usually held in the greenhouse, which I am anticipating will be warmer than the majority of BYU's classrooms. Best of all worlds.
In other news, look what I did with my tabs today during a very slow work moment:
(They're in rainbow order, in case it's just too darn hard to see.)
Aaaaand that's a wrap. Have a good weekend, folks.