
The Beginning

Today seems like a good day to begin a blog...so here I go!

The name's Alyssa, but you can call me Lys if three syllables is too long to say. You could also call me Todd, but don't ask why because it's a long and boring story with absolutely no relevance to this post. I enjoy music, brownies, and fresh flowers. I do not enjoy doing laundry.

I'd put up some pictures with this lovely beginner post, but my camera is broken and has been for about 3 weeks now. I'm waiting for it to come back to me in the mail; guess we'll just have to wait together now...

If there's anything you're dying to know about me, comment (and I'll love you forever). Otherwise, feel free to just join me and you'll hear more than you probably wanted to know to begin with! In the words of Dora, "¡vĂ¡monos!"


  1. I got looking at the word "syllables" and thought, "Hey. It says 'Alyssa' in 'syllables!'" Alas, there is only one "A" in "syllables" and "Alyssa" requires two. Blast.

    Just thought I'd share that with you. :)

  2. i am so glad you got a blog. i will be a faithful reader, i promise :) love ya lots! have fun writing and playing!

  3. I'm so happy you have a blog now. Consider yourself stalked.

  4. My Mom calls me Miss Lys and my brother calls me Lissa. Hardly anyone in my family calls me by Alyssa! :)
