
Welcome, World!

Okay, so maybe every blogger has had this experience, but I have some exciting news: this very blog (the one you're currently reading) has been seen in the UK, Australia, and Hong Kong! Yeah, that's, like, in China...definitely on the other side of the mundo. And technically, it's been seen twice in the UK. I just feel very proud of my little online "child" of sorts (is it weird to think of your blog as your child?), and I wanted to brag a little. So thanks for hearing me out :)

On another note, I played a piano solo in church today and it went really well. I chose "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" because this month is the same month as the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, and that was the song he requested to be sung by John Taylor while they were held in Carthage Jail. It's also one of my favorite hymns, and this particular arrangement was so beautiful. I don't know about the congregation, but I sure felt like crying. Music is so amazing; don't you agree?


  1. AYE you're like the parallel universe version of me! I just played a piano solo in church today too, "By the Waking of Our Hearts." One of my favorites! I kept getting people reading my blog from Ecuador and, being very confused about Ecuador, turned to Facebook to see which one of my friends was hanging out over there. And LO AND BEHOLD, one of my friends is taking a vacation there ^^ Internet powers!

  2. What I loved was how nicely it complimented Brother Holmes talk on dealing with hardship, because that song was Joseph's way of dealing with hardship. Nice. Plus, it's just a favorite song. You did a beautiful job, as always.
