
Lesson: learned.

About a week ago, I was talking to the mother of that one missionary. She works on campus, and I visit sometimes, just for fun. She asked about my week, which had been so average as to be called "boring," and I asked about her week, which happened to fall in the same category. 

We discussed how those are the only times it's a challenge to write a missionary: when there's just no news

Then, later that day, her daughter tore her ACL in a soccer game. Among my first thoughts was, "Well, now we know never to complain about a boring week again!" It was like a wake-up call, and suddenly life seemed to be going too fast to stay caught up, much less to claim boredom. 

Same week: midterms. Gross, but tolerable. But busy. But also something to write Mexico about, so... complaint satisfied, I suppose. You'd think that would be enough for me get the point. (Au contraire.)

On Wednesday, I received brutal wake-up call #2. At 7:30 PM, I was in my first car accident. Ever. I'll spare you the details, but I can say it's very fortunate that nobody was hurt. After some police review, the evidence points to the accident being the fault of the other driver. I am so incredibly grateful for the way everything has played out, and I would be foolish to deny that we had aid and angels from heaven. But still.

I will not claim that it's been a fun week. But has it been eventful? Certainly. 

Now, I can't stop thinking about the irony of the situation: we suddenly have more than enough news to share with our missionary, but the challenge of writing to him is hardly lessened. Mostly it's just been transformed to a new challenge--that of "breaking" the news. I don't think I'm looking forward to it. It's the first time a 6-week delay in communication has come in handy...

Anyway, I've learned a valuable life lesson this week: don't ever claim your life is boring, because it may just come back to bite you. And it has rabies. 

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