

So that Heather girl tagged me in this 11 things game.
I feel like I just did this with the "New Here" page, but whatev. I shall play along.

Rules (I'm paraphrasing these):
1) Post the rules.
2) Post a photo and 11 random things about you.
3) Answer questions.
4) Ask questions.
5) Tag.

What an unfortunate facial expression.

Ok ok ok...11 random things.

1) I have a serious life goal to revamp math education in America. Who's with me?!

2) I have an uncle who's a gourmet chef and Harley rider. Tell me he's not the coolest person you've ever heard of. (Shout out to the CA cousins! Hello!)

3) 9 times out of 10, I'd rather make a funny face in a picture than smile because I have slightly crooked teeth. I've never had and will never have braces to fix them.

4) I am allergic to nuts. Cashews and pistachios, specifically, but I avoid everything except peanut butter.

5) I also have seasonal allergies, which means enjoying the spring weather today was the worst idea I've had all week. Ugh.

6) I didn't learn how to ride a two-wheeler until I was 12 years old. And then I only learned because my mom bribed my older sister with a new, hot pink bra if she'd teach me and my two younger sisters how to ride. I don't think I will ever enjoy riding a bicycle, simply because I learned so late. 

7) When I was little, I thought my name was "Sweet Baby Alyssa, 3 Years Old." I got mad if anyone called me anything different. We can thank my father for this.

8) We can also thank my father for the fact that I have loved York peppermint patties since the ripe old age of 3 weeks.

9) I have mad lip-sync skills. No joke.

10) I make facial expressions for things that I type, text, listen to, read...really for anything. It's kind of nutty, but secretly I think everyone does it to a degree. Don't you make a question face when you text someone a question? No? Dang it. 

11) I wish I was a runner. Not a marathon runner, but a go-every-morning runner. I keep telling myself I'll take it up someday, but naturally that day never comes. 

Now, 11 questions to answer.

1 :: What is your favorite movie?
What's Up, Doc all the way! Seriously, I could watch it every week and never get sick of it.

2 :: Most embarrassing moment?
Probably it's my first kiss, but that is not a story for the blog. Sorry amigos.

3 :: What was your first impression of [Heather]? (Honesty matters.)
I thought you seemed like a lovely person to befriend. And it was the truth, even though we really didn't become friend friends until the temple trips of junior/senior year. Good times, good times...

4 :: What's your favorite holiday?
I'm a big fan of Easter. We make hot cross buns every year, and I think it's just such a hopeful holiday.

5 :: What's your favorite day of the week?
As of late, Monday. It's that one missionary's P-day, so it's the day we get to read the family email. Wahoo!

6 :: What was your least favorite chore growing up?
Vacuuming. My mom has serious vacuuming rules.

7 :: What's your favorite book?
I love love love Jane Eyre. But I've also taken a liking to religious literature since I graduated from high school. I've read about Joseph Smith, and I enjoy reading talks from previous conferences, and I'm planning on reading Jesus the Christ (by James E. Talmage) this summer. I never saw this phase in my life coming, but it's lovely.

8 :: Who was your first crush?
Yikes. I thought I liked the 6th grade hotshot back in the day, but seriously, the only boy I've ever really, genuinely, honest-with-myself liked is that one missionary.

9 :: One thing you must do before you die?
See the northern lights.

10 :: Favorite vacation spot?
Since I love traveling so much... 
Honestly I love an at-home vacation. I would rather read on my own front porch than travel out of the country. But I do think it'd be fun to visit Italy someday.

11 :: Name something you can't live without.
I wear the same four rings every day, and if I ever forget them, I feel naked all day long. It's only happened once or twice, and I almost died both times. 

And now 11 questions to ask.

1. Describe yourself in three words.
2. Why do you blog?
3. What is your idea of a perfect day?
4. Favorite color?
5. What is something you don't mind splurging on?
6. What song is stuck in your head at this moment?
7. If you knew you only had a week to live, how would you spend it?
8. What is your favorite time-waster?
9. Name: a) a talent you have, and b) a talent you wish you had.
10. What are you most grateful for right now?
11. Who are you most grateful for right now?

And now I tag the following:
And anyone who wants to, really. 
Comment with a link; I'd love to read it!


  1. thanks for tagging me friend. um, did you know 10 and 11 are the same? it's a good one to duplicate.

  2. Here you go Alyssa, I actually did it this time. http://storiesfrommadi.blogspot.com/2012/03/for-alyssa.html
