
Free Lunch Friday

My luck rocks.
Check it out:

The College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences does a weekly trivia drawing. 
This was the first week I bothered to enter (after getting emails about it for a year), and I won.
What are the odds?!
I don't know, but I like 'em.

PS: If anyone wants to go to lunch at the MOA Cafe sometime before next Friday, please holler. This is not a drill.


  1. You seriously have THEE best luck in the world! Haha any time I want to win something I'm going to ask you to do it for me. Then I'll bring you a treat or something. Thoughts?

    1. I think that could work out just fine. I may want a bit of say in what treat (brownies. always), but other than that we're good to go. You just holler at me!

  2. Wait... so the math department gave you this for being clever and you wont even take the time to figure out the odds. as in... math? pathetic. Also. remember that time we went to that wedding and then ate cookies. good times.

  3. I want to come!! The Moa is delicious.

    1. Ok! I shall text you in the near future to work something out.

  4. So small world. Erik Westesen, the guy who wrote the email, used to work with Will and me when we were at BYU. Tidbit for ya - his wife's name is Portia, as in, "Holy portia."


    1. Oh weird. What are the odds? Ok they're pretty good since it's BYU, but still.
      Holy portia. Hahaha love it.
