
Dress your tech!

There is something wonderful on the world wide web that you may want to know about. I have no clue how I first came across interweb gem, but I have become a serious repeat customer ever since, and I just want to share it with you all. 
It's Bri Emery's weekly DRESS YOUR TECH feature over on her blog, and it mostly just involves lovely free pictures to use as your computer/laptop/tablet/phone backgrounds. 
I recently started feeling a wee bit tired of my laptop backgrounds, which was probably justified since they've been there since 2011, and I recently got a new phone, for which apparently nothing but galaxy backgrounds existed. I've always felt weird about having pictures of people I love as my background images (I can't explain it so don't ask why), so pretty much all of my own background resources were exhausted. Sooooo on my reading day last week, I went through all the archives of DRESS YOUR TECH and found my very favorites.

My phone now looks like this:

And my desktop now cycles through these:

It's such a simple way to feel a little uplift, but this sure did the trick for me. If you, too, are in need of a happy little change, head on over to DRESS YOUR TECH and get yourself something pretty. I did mention that these are all freebies, right??

I love when artists share their talents online because I really just don't have a knack for this sorta stuff. I really really love when they share their stuff for free because my lack of visual arts talent means that I can appreciate the value of pretty visuals in my life (grass is always greener...), but I can't create them on my own! Waaaahhhh I'm a baby. It could be a harsh irony, but thanks to these folks, it doesn't have to be, so that's nice of them.

Go forth! Dress your tech! And holler if you have any other sources up your little sleeves.

On a related note: I used to download these freebies from Becky Higgins (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page) on my old phone for backgrounds and I loved them, in case you want some more small-device-specific backgrounds.

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