
First day of summer

Today marks the start of my real summer for this year. Like, my summer that does not involve school and homework. Like, now the party can begin. It's kind of ironic that it's two days after the summer solstice, am I right? You could say that's a solid metaphor for my life: always about 2 minutes or hours or days late. Or whatever.

Anyway, I start this summer with sore muscles, dry hands, and a rumbly stomach because this weekend was kinda cray cray. A good kind of cray cray, but still.

I spent the majority of my Saturday helping to clean the home of my wonderfully sweet visiting teachee, who was on the verge of going into labor with her first baby all day long. Superwoman much? Um, yes. We cleaned to get their house ready for new tenants because, of course, they are moving before this baby comes. She's planning on a home birth not at this perfectly cleaned house, however, and I just think those freshly bleached walls would sure be helpful if baby decided to come before the week's out. I'm just saying...being born in the cleanest home in town sounds like the next best thing after a hospital.

So that all contributed to the sore muscles and dry hands. 

And the rumbly stomach? That is a result of a) the cherries, b) the flu, or c) the bleach inhalation. If it's the cherries, it's because forthelove I just can't eat less than a wholestinkinlot when they're fresh off the tree. If it's the flu, I thank my niece and nephew and I know it'll pass quickly. If it's the bleach...well, I really don't think that's a thing, but I've learned from watching House lately that one can never rule out toxins, even if the tox screen is clean. (Did that sound official? Is this TMI?)

Oh! I also made my first yeast bread (!) in my own kitchen (!!) and it turned out preeetty yummy. Cinnamon rolls are always yummy, though, so I think I'll try again tonight with pizza dough and see if I get good results yet again. Pizza must be more difficult because it's not covered in sugar and frosting, right?

So like I said, it was kind of a crazy weekend, but a good one. I'm ready for this mental change of seasons because that always means new goals and new projects and new motivation and whatnot. I'll be writing myself a formal list later this week (maybe a little bit like this manifesto?) since that always keeps me more on track, and as usual, there's a chance I might share it with y'all. Accountability and stuff. (Cuz that worked so well last summer...)

In the meantime, anyone have any great summer goals or plans or projects or whatnot that they want to share? Or books to read! Yeah, sure, I'll throw that on the list of things to share. I'm always on the hunt for good new books during this, the laziest of seasons.

Happy summer, folks!

1 comment:

  1. The Giver (James and I are reading it because the movie is coming out soon). And you're lucky...summer was the opposite for me! I had such fun ideas and plans and now, class. :(
    P.S. I know it's been a week since you posted this. Don't judge me!
