
Rooftop concert: We Are The Strike

On Friday night we girded up our loins and headed to the best free concert on this side of the Mississippi...
...Downtown Provo's Rooftop Concert!!

We'd been waiting for this particular concert because its featured band was We Are The Strike and we're big fans of theirs. Joseph is a big fan because a) he knows a couple members, and b) they play funk. I am a big fan because a) Joseph is a big fan, and b) their music is irresistibly fun. Irresistible enough that even Joe dances, which you'll know is saying something if you've ever been to a high school dance with him.

Anyway, we headed to the venue as early as we could and wandered around a bit as it filled up. Joe wandered to talk to his guitar professor who was playing in one of the opening bands (weird? just a bit), and I wandered to get me a free hipster t-shirt. I also tried snapping artsy fartsy photos of the surrounding folk with my phone, but this was as exciting as it got:
But look how cute those lil lantern lights are! If there's one thing those rooftop people have nailed, it's atmosphere. Food trucks, twinkle lights, and free music make for a darn good party. 
We stood super close to the front. For some reason, it's a little nerve-wracking for me to be up there. I think I worry about my hearing most of all? But I suppose it's loud no matter where you go at a concert. In any case, at least standing at the front lets you catch the free stuff they chuck. We snagged another t-shirt and a car USB charger, so I guess free concerts tend to pay themselves off nicely.
That last picture was one of the warm-up bands; these guys here were the main feature. They were fantastic, as per the usual.
Such drama! Also, that's either a UFO or a street lamp in the top left corner...I'm not quite sure.

We Are The Strike surpassed our expectations once again. We had a blast! If anyone's ever looking for a wonderful date night in Provo, we would highly recommend the Rooftop Concert Series. First Friday of every month through October, peeps. Holler if you're going and maybe we'll see you there.

For some much better pictures of the event, click here. Keep an eye out for Joseph's forehead as you peruse. 

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