
The best lunch in the world

We were talking about food, right? Let's keep talking about food. Food is good.

As a little girl, one of my favorite family traditions was the annual birthday sleepover at Grammie's house. It meant scrapbooking, shopping, movie-watching...and bean burritos. Gram made the best bean burritos--no question--and they were always my dinner request for birthday weekend.

In recent years, I've eaten lots of bean burritos because they are super cheap and super easy. It's one of my staples, and I'm fortunate that Joe likes them also so that I can avoid making a real dinner every now and then. 

I used to think putting salsa on top of these burritos counted as a veggie for my 5-a-day, but in a recent effort to eat more veggies for realsies, I have learned what putting veggies on a bean burrito can really do for it. So without further ado, please enjoy this wannabe recipe for the quickest and most delicious at-home burrito in the world.
Actually, I have more ado. A quick word on refried beans: in my experience, refried beans are not a product where you should buy the store brand, but fat free versions of name brands are usually yum (of the ones I've tried). Okay okay okay, I'll just say it--no Western Family beans! They are much too thick and they lack flavor. Sorry, WF.

Anyway, spread some of those fancy refried beans on a tortilla. Cut two slices of cheddar cheese and line them up along the center of the tortilla. Fold the tortilla into thirds around that cheese strip and flip the whole thing over so that it's seam-side-down. Nuke it in the microwave for a minute or so, just long enough for the cheese to melt. Start chopping veggies! Quick, you only have one minute.
Now comes the fun part. Start with a little bit of sour cream and spread it all up and down that burrito. Then add a leaf or two of finely chopped lettuce, which should stay put nicely on the sour cream top. Put some tomato on there, and don't be ashamed of eating the whole thing. Add some onion, or green onion, or whatever. And avocado! Don't forget the avocado!! Then, sprinkle (?) just a bit of salsa on top for a flavor boost, and you're all set.

If you're me, you'll want a nice glass of milk with that. If you're Joseph, you'll want ranch or BBQ (on the burrito, not in a glass). Also if you are Joseph, you may put yours together in the reverse order: pile everything on and then fold it all up. Either way is fine, see?

And then just enjoy cuz really, man, this lunch is the best one in the world. 

Cost: about $1.20
Prep time: about 5 minutes
Yum factor: 10
Fill factor: also 10 (for me.) (It's a 5 for Joseph, who usually eats two of these.)

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