
I stink at titles.

It's true. 

I can come up with a grand myriad of random parts of my life to blog about, but coming up with titles for all of them is definitely the weak link in my armor. Not that blogging requires armor, mind you. It's just a phrase. 

Please bear with me as I try to find all those creative thinking juices that I probably had when I was 6 years old and scrapbooking with Gram. They're either in hiding or hibernation, so it could be a while. 

On a different note, I REALLY want to learn how to make this lovely: 

Aren't you just in love??

For anyone who's got more time and daring than I currently do, try it out here.


  1. Lys, I'll make it if you help me! we can do it together, sound awesome?

  2. Deal, yo. And when we do, I'll give back your book. Best of both worlds.
