
Boys: Don't even read this one.

Things you should know in advance: 

1) I have only sisters. 
2) We appreciate good deals and frugality.
3) "Party favor" is a code word coined by none other than my father. If you'd like to know what it means, please proceed to the pictures below, which I consider to be sufficiently self-explanatory. 

And now, the story: 

Once upon a time, we went to Target for some routine clearance-rack searching. After we'd completely scoured the store for fashionable yet inexpensive items, Mom mentioned a quick deal on party favors that she just couldn't resist. She had a newspaper coupon for $2.50 off of two boxes of party favors, and the boxes were on sale, and Target had a deal for a $5 gift card upon purchase of...two boxes of party favors! Anyway, with the math all figured out, it boiled down to one box being $3.80, rather than the normal $8.00, which is really quite a steal. We checked out, thrilled with our shiny $5 card, and began walking out of the store. 

Then Mom looked at her receipt. She saw that it had come with a coupon for party favors! What luck! Quickly, she left us with the cart and headed off for another round of buying and saving. When she returned after a few minutes, we knew something was up. Much to our tired dismay and her incredible delight, this coupon had come again, and would continue in this fashion possibly all day long! I began thinking I should have brought a lunch...

Fast forward now to about 15 rounds of this coupon circle later (and approximately 30 boxes of party favors) and the following became blog- and scrapbook-worthy: 

And they all lived happily ever after. 
El fin.