
Año Nuevo

I can't leave 2011 behind without acknowledging the growth that it has brought. I learned how to lose a loved one, multiple times over. I learned how to do this college thing. I learned how to take care of a child (through helping with Emerson...don't get your undies in a bunch). I found some new interests, and I let go of some old hobbies. I became more faithful and less prideful. I laughed a lot. 

2011 was a year of loss, a year of growth, and a year of happiness. 
2012 will be a year of goodness-knows-what. But I'm ready for it.

My hopes and goals for 2012 are these: 

1) To be more grateful, and to express that gratitude where it is due.
2) To be more adventurous, even if it kills me.
3) To make a new friend for keeps.
4) To prioritize by good, better, and best, and then to choose "best."
5) To be happy.

There's more, but I like to get a head start on a few goals and then add more as I go. It's proven to be more successful for me in the past than loading myself up with a mile-long list of ways to be a new human all at once. Wish me luck on these first few!

Hey check it out:
1 January 2011 and 1 January 2012 (or thereabouts), respectively. 
All I added was earrings.

Well, progress is progress, right?

Cheers to the new year!
May it be the best one yet.


  1. Have I mentioned I'll be your flower girl? You and that one Elder melt my butter. Love you two! & I miss you lots!
