
Look What's Cookin

I recently finished earning my Personal Progress medallion. (I know, I know...I should have finished long ago. I promise I was anxiously engaged in good causes, just not in recording those causes.) My final project was to organize Mom's seventeen million recipes--give or take a few--into one huge binder. This involved sorting, cutting, gluing, printing, writing, and, well, organizing for far longer than the minimum 10 hours. BUT it is now finished, and Mom loves it! Heck, I love it too. I've already claimed inheriting it someday.

Behold, the recipe binder that is bigger than I am:
Personalized tabs in Mom's favorite font
Super classy section dividers
Cut and paste at its finest

Real quick, I'd like to give a shout-out to my favorite recipe in the book: buttery soft pretzels! This recipe served us well for years of delivering fresh cinnamon pretzels to ward members every Sunday. If you look closely you can see calculations for the perfect ratio of salt, oil, flour, etc, as well as huge grease spots covering half the page. These are the signs of a well-loved recipe. In fact, we have this recipe down to a science, so holler if you ever want homemade pretzels!

And thus I finished Personal Progress. It's a big deal, and I'm relieved and proud to be DONE. 


  1. congrats! oh, and when you make those pretzels, make sure to spray the tray :)

  2. This book is so awesome! It's already saving me so much time and I'm so happy. And Shaundra is funny
