
It's Birthday Time!

Whose birthday?
This chica (on the right):

As per the usual, 10 things I love about Mattea:

1) She does little services for family members on a regular basis.
2) She's a very talented little pianist. We've played duets and stuff.
3) She and I have very similar views of the world. 
4) She and I also have similar nut allergies.
5) Really we're just very similar in general.
6) She's got those creative juices of which I am forever jealous.
7) She comments on this here blog all the time. Comments make me happy.
9) She's strong in her testimony.
9) She openly admits that I'm her favorite sister. (Word.)
10) She loves math almost as much as I do. Right, Tae? ;)

This is the only sister whose actual day of birth I can remember. She's been a great addition to our family ever since! 
Love you lots, Tae!
And happy birthday. 

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