
Family Vacation: Disneyland Edition

WARNING: Too-many-pictures-to-count in your near future. You have been told.

Once upon a time, we went to Disneyland for a seriously magical week full of really long lines.  It was wonderful, which means a lot from an impatient girl who hates to travel. 
Check it out!

Day 1 looked a little like this (plus night one at the beginning):
Space Mountain...longest line all week
My dad's stronger than your dad.
Carousel photography experiment
Father's favorite

Day two was more like this: 
Matchy matchy!
Indiana Jones
More experimental photography...
Mother's favorite
Feliz Navidad to anyone I might know in Mexico
Back cabin of the Monorail...cooler than you might think
I love my family.

And day three was all:
Jenna's frogs
Favorite daughter, say what?
We like old stuff, and pennies.
World of Color=amazing

Day four:
Happy Christmas Harry
(Dramatic ocean picture)
Favorite, forever and ever
They weren't allowed to do fireworks all week, but a miracle happened on the last night. Glory hallelujah!

Seriously, this trip made dreams come true. You can tell Disney I said that because maybe we'll get a free trip. Sorry for the picture overload, but really I'm not because I warned you at the get-go. But it was a ton, I know. (Confession: this was only 8% of the pictures I took. Oops.) Anyway, you should all go to Disneyland real quick and then blog about it so I can see. 

Thanks Mom and Dad for the trip!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am having the most difficult time commenting...why oh why do I struggle so much? All I want to do is tell you I am blog stalking you, that I love these pictures, and I feel the Disney magic!!! The end.

  3. Disneyland is totes the happiest place on earth. I hear they let you in for free on your birthday, which is awesome but not awesome, because I am not going to leave my family Christmas to head to Disneyland. Dang it! But you should try it for your birthday.

    I am hoping that I can round up a group of friends to go again this Spring or Summer. I anticipate spending an entire day in line for Star Tours, trying to see every adventure.
