
Back to blogging at midnight

Ladies and gents, I can now resume my normal late-night blogging habits because...(drum roll please)...


Free internets! At our apartment! Guaranteed for seven years! (Please bless that we are not still in this apartment in seven years.)

I don't mean to trivialize the occasion by wasting my first at-home post, but I really really really just want to post that it happened today because it just feels momentous. You go live as a student without at-home internet for six months and then tell me that you don't find free wi-fi to be a wonderful novelty. You probably cannot. (I shouldn't assume that.)

It was Richard, who gave us access to the interwebs. Richard, who does some work at Sundance showing around the fancy celebrities and some work for Google Fiber installing free internets. Richard, who mentioned to me that it was cold outside, and then that it was hot outside, and then wrapped up his visit by telling me it was cold enough to get "ammonia--no wait, pneumonia." That's about as interesting as our conversations got. 

I of course instagrammed a pic right after he left, and then we ran off to finish up our last day of school. Oh, did I mention that the semester ended today?? Life is oh-so-good.

Anyways, just wanted to stop by and say that I have deep gratitude in my heart for Google Fiber tonight. 
I'll be back on this blog more often now that I don't have to work my posts into random on-campus free time. Wahoo!!


  1. Dear Alyssa,
    I too am blogging after midnight! Mostly because classes are over and I finished my last assignment and now I'm too excited about it all to sleep. I didn't realize that was a thing, but it is.

    So question for you. How do you get that cute little thumbnail to appear by your blog name on the tab way up top? I feel like you've blogged about this before, but I don't want to try to go find it now. Could you maybe hit me up with a tutorial link or something? You're great!

    Also, congrats on the internet! I don't know how you did it all semester long. I just don't. Champion.

  2. HOORAY!!!!!!!!! How I've missed your regular posting! Congrats on finishing another semester of school. You're awesome. La ya!
