
Plants: Ficus

Ficus is really just a wee baby twig.
But it had its own roots when I potted it, I promise, I saw them! So maybe it will grow up strong and healthy and treelike. In the meantime, I will prop its heavy head up in the corner of the table, of course.

I enjoy the variegation on my ficus because it is WAY COOL to watch as it turns from lime green to yellow to creamy white. You can kinda see some lime green edges in the picture on the left above, and then the big leaf on the right shows what is closer to the final color. I don't always love variegation, but it is at least fun to observe up close and personal.

We were actually given two ficus trees, if we so desired, in class. I gave one to Joe's dad because he loves indoor plants. It's much stronger and healthier, so if you want to see a ficus twig that does a better job providing for itself, you should check that one out. In the meantime, you can just observe mine in its corner:
It really is pretty adorable. I hope I can nurture it to adulthood!

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