
Easter weekend

I would hate to let Easter slip by without mention because it is my favorite holiday, but I must admit that I have nearly no photo documentation, so I'll try to avoid being too wordy.

We feel so blessed to live close enough to both of our families that we can spend time with each on every holiday. This holiday was no different! 

Saturday began with a very early final exam for me and a small sleep-in for Joseph. I had an awful experience with the group project for this particular final, so I'm not going to say anything else about it other than I'm so glad it's over. When I got home, we cleaned the house and lazed around just a bit because neither of us felt very well. We also ate some Easter candy, but only in small quantities since it was supposed to be saved for the...

...Sumner family Easter party and egg hunt! We headed north to spend time with extended family in the afternoon and ended up staying well into the evening. (I secretly love when that happens.) I have a picture of this part because I thought Joe and his dad at the grill were adorable:
My favorite part about the party was just observing the way that all the Sumner siblings (Joe's mom and family) interact. Usually I sit with the sisters, but this time we were closer to the brothers' conversation and it was hilarious. Listening to them made me all excited for, like, my 40's, which I'm pretty sure no other human has ever felt excitement for, right? But that's what I walked away with, so...there you go.

On Sunday, we woke up to a happy little pile of Easter joy on the kitchen table. It included socks for me, The Amazing Spider-Man for Joseph, and candy to share. I am wearing my new socks as I write this and I love them. That Easter bunny--he knows what's up.

We also enjoyed an Easter Sunday miracle called stake conference, which allowed us to head to Orem a few hours earlier than on a usual Sunday, so we took advantage of that and spent a luxuriously long time at our parents' houses. 

We started with my family, where we helped make Easter dinner (I use the word "help" somewhat loosely here), chatted on the deck in the perfect weather, and worked on factoring polynomials (a non-Eastery but necessary activity). I had a particularly lovely time holding and playing with baby Ensley, and I of course always love a chance to talk my mom's ear off. 

We spent dinner and dessert time with Joe's family, enjoying a traditional ham with cheesy potatoes (an Easter must) and then watching all the nieces and nephews run around. This is a Sunday norm for us, and we love it.

Picture break: springy (and therefore Eastery) flower pics from my phone!

As much as I lovelovelove Easter and its festivities, I love very most the enhanced opportunity to reflect on the life and resurrection of my Savior over Easter weekend. I think daily about Christ, his ministry, and his atonement, but I don't dedicate much thought solely to his resurrection. Easter reminds me every year of the true miracle it was, as well as the resulting blessings and gifts for each of us. 

I know that because Christ rose on the third day, we too will rise again. I know that death is not the end for you, or for me, or for anyone, because of the loving gift offered us by our Savior. He offered his exemplary life as a model for us so that we can become perfect, in time, like him. He lives and he loves each of us infinitely and perfectly. What a blessing it is to know these things, and to celebrate them every Easter!

Like I said, favorite holiday here, folks. I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend!

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