
I just don't get it.

The other day, I was talking to older sister Bri about cupcakes. She doesn't understand the craze. Neither do I, for that matter, but she's dedicated a little more thought to it. In a nutshell:

"Ok, think about it. If you're eating a cupcake, it's because you want cake, right? Well it's too tiny to really satisfy your need for a piece of cake, so then you just eat 3 or 4 or 5, and then you've gone overboard. And they're messy, too. It's never convenient to bite into a cupcake, especially when they pile on all that cutesy frosting, so then it's going up your nose with every bite, and that's just disgusting. It's like cupcake boogers. Why would you want that?"

"Nice rant, Bri."

"I just don't get it."

And now neither do I. If anyone would care to explain (preferably with examples left on my porch, but I'm not too picky), the two of us would adore that. Thank you.


  1. I don't really get it either, except maybe in this one regard. They are stinkin' cute to set out in a tiered cupcake holder with a little themed topper that ties into whatever your party is celebrating.

  2. I do think you are right in some aspects.  You see those little cupcakes sitting there and can't help it in eating more then one, yet when it comes to cake you know your limits at a slice.  I do think though that the difference in cake and cupscakes is some that in the whole of a cake you have a design but when you get a slice it is only part of that picture or design, yet with cupcakes each individual one (at least most of the time) has the same design and so you aren't asking for the corner or the flower you just get the same thing.  I also think that some people just eat these things for the icing on top. You know little kids are interested in the swirl or design that you see on top of a cup cake and while you also see it on a cake once it's sliced the appeal isn't there as much, that design isn't on the top it's more splat on the side. With cupcakes you can take one and not have that splat but the same look you see if you hadn't picked it up or wanted it.

    Cupcakes may also be a little more transportable. They are a little easier to walk around with and snack on then a slice of cake or a whole cake for that matter. I think cupcakes are just that they are portable and maybe a little quicker to eat.
