
One Saturday

I ate a BYU brownie. 
I walked campus in wedged sandals. 
I cleaned my bathroom to the sweet sound of Owl City.
And I aspired to be as clever as Shawn Spencer.

(That Saturday was today.)

Some Saturday:
I will eat a brownie from NYC's finest bakery. 
I will take a stroll to the Juilliard practice rooms, possibly in more sensible shoes. 
I will clean my small apartment to the sound of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms. 
And I will aspire to be as clever as Shawn Spencer. 

(That's if I choose the dream of insane music study.)

Or, some Saturday:
I will make my own brownies with Mom's recipe.
I will walk around the block, probably with a stroller. 
I will clean our small apartment to the sound of jazz standards. 
And I will aspire to be as clever as Shawn Spencer. 

(That's if I get married quickly because of BYU.)

Or, some Saturday: 
I will half a brownie recipe and eat them all myself. 
I will walk the halls of whatever high school employs me in tall heels, so as to command respect. 
I will clean my house to the sound of calculus rap. 
And I will aspire to be as clever as Shawn Spencer.

(That's if I become a high school math teacher.)
(I won't really listen to calculus rap. Gross.)

Just trying to keep my options open and my priorities straight. How'm I doing?

PS: Sorry for the abundance of self-portraits. These things do happen.
PPS: 10 points to whoever names the movie for "These things do happen!"


  1. The Phaaaaantom of the Opera!

  2. I like the BYU option myself and I also knew that the movie was Phantom of the Opera ;)

  3. "Until you stop these things from happening, this things does not happen." oh the joy i have for phantom. good post lys :)

  4. Phantom! i love saying that, also "You step on my dress, why?!" a lot. and people just sort of stare. i think either plan is great :) plus i love that bottom right picture. CUUUUTE

  5. Well, at least you were having a good hair day!

  6. Umm so pretty much my whole life...well at least my whole life since psych was discovered.... I have also aspired to be as clever as shawn spencer.
