
Small Shift

Yesterday I was grouchy. 
Today was a better day than yesterday. 

I woke up to Emerson's cute laugh.
I went to a waterfall with a dear friend whom I haven't seen all summer. 
I ate frozen yogurt. Golden Spoon is the way to go, because they serve it for you. Duh. 
I helped clean the house. 
I wrote that one missionary. 
I spent some time in the sun. 
I re-read my favorite chapter of Jane Eyre
I went to a movie with dear friends whom I haven't seen much all summer. 
I researched cameras. (Anyone have a compact digital that they love to death?)
I visited Macey's, where you can't go without seeing someone you know.
I ate a panini-wannabe. With cantaloupe on the side.
I planned a temple trip. 
I watered a plant. 

I felt inspired. 
And I decided to love life. 

I'd say that's pretty productive, wouldn't you?

PS: Isn't this cute? I've been dying to show someone.


  1. OF COURSE IT'S CUTE!!! Ah, good ol' Joe. Ahem, I mean Elder Joe. Yay for productive days, Lys! Love you.
