
Food and Fashion. Or something.

This is what I ate yesterday after church. It must have been a fast Sunday, because this is a lot of food. That's honey whole wheat toast with homemade grape jelly, nectarines from our tree outside, and a 2-egg omelet (Mom made that for me because she loves me). 

Yesterday's adventure was food.

This is what I wore today. The big news here is the skinny jeans. Until approximately a week ago, I felt like this toward skinny jeans: "Yuck." But I kinda like these ones. The only problem is that I don't know how to wear them. Is this even remotely bueno?

Today's adventure was fashion. If this isn't fashionable, don't tell me, because I don't want to hear it. 

Ok, do tell me. Just be nice about it.

And because I love an awkward self-portrait as much as the next blogger: 

PS: Am I the only one who sees way too much purple in this post? No? Phew! I was worried. Tomorrow will have more Beatles and less purple. I promise.

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