
New dress!

Not that I think I'm a fashion blogger or anything, but I have to show you all this dress I bought today.
I am dying of excitement over it. 

Seriously, I'm so in love.

The first picture is poopy phone quality, but the dress is really more navy than it looks in the second picture, so I put both. Or maybe I'm just vain. Either way, isn't it cute? Plus it gets even cuter when I remember that it was only $18 from Gap. 

And while I'm bragging, I'll just mention that I also bought $17 jeans from J.Crew. Based on every other price I saw in that store, I am inclined to believe that this was a steal. Word.

We can thank my mother for these finds due to her persistence in shopping. When I go shopping, I'm more of a glancer, but she digs deep into those clearance racks, and we don't leave until she's satisfied that there are no more gems waiting to be found. It's an admirable quality; I hope to take after her in time. So thanks, Mom! Also, thank you Jenna for inviting us to join you in Park City today. 

And now I go to sleep all happy because I'll be thinking of this dress. Wahoo! 


  1. TOO CUTE! If we were the same size, I'd totally steal that dress. But we're not...& no that's not a fat joke to you. Or me? You're just tinier. Obvi. Also, $17 is MORE than a steal for J Crew. It's, like, unheard of. If anyone else hears about your screaming deal, they will probs come steal your pants...

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you approve because you are, like, my fashion idol. And I suppose you're right...I'll be very careful who I mention those pants to.

  2. I actually think the more royal color is closer than the navy, but whichever, it looks super cute on you! I'm glad we found it...them...whatever.

    1. Really? I suppose it could go either way. Maybe I should just take better pictures in better lighting every now and then. Ha.

  3. You should put the $17 J. Crew jeans in a museum. I'm fairly certain you found the only reasonably-priced item they have ever sold.

    1. This comment wins the Literal LOL Award. You kill me!

      But maybe Ripley's would like to have them? Just a thought.
