
Signals or noise?

I follow this site (blog? not sure) that basically sends me an inspirational poster every day. Woot. (Confession: I really follow along because I am superdy-duperdy interested in graphic design even though I don't really know what all "graphic design" actually means, and it would be my major if I was gifted in the visual arts. So I stalk anything that seems like my idea of "graphic design." Moving on now.) I am not one to get off on inspiring quotes and such because...well, because I'm not and we'll leave it at that for now. But I did like today's quote a lot, so here it is.

Send signals. Don't just make noise.


1 comment:

  1. I like this. I think it's sad that so many people "make noise" on issues without getting their butts to voting booths or donating (time or money) to causes they believe in. Everyone's down to complain, but no one's down to do anything... wait, I am complaining. Crap.
