
NSO: that one time when we all became ants.

There will be pictures and words in the near future, but look at what we did last night during New Student Orientation:

Do you see me? Do you?? Because I am in there and I'm surprisingly easy to find. Here, I'll give you a hint.
See, I knew you recognized me. It was the orange shirt that gave it away, huh. 

Anyways, I'm completely exhausted so I'm signing off. See you tomorrow, or the next day, or never, depending on whether or not I recover from these crazy two days. 

Have a lovely Saturday!


  1. Very cool...for Thursday's game??

    1. I wish!! I think it'd be super awesome if they coordinated our whiteout to be in formation. But I don't think they're planning on trying it. This is only the second time they've ever done this picture, so maybe in a few years after everyone has at least done it once during their freshman orientation, they could give it a real shot haha.

  2. That looks amazingly fun!! And brilliant!

  3. It's so cool. I'll show this to our kids. They will love it!
