
18 months old!

This happened a few days ago, and we didn't do much to celebrate it, but I just want to capture 18 month Brooks here.

Loves treats. Asks for treats every day. I do not blame him, and I don't really regret breaking the "no sugar before 2 years" recommendation either. At least we do pretty well on screen time!

Oooooohh wait I forgot, he asks to video call a random member of my family (most often Nana) at least every hour of the day. We really did well with screens before quarantine, but now he prob gets at least 30 minutes a day of watching videos of himself (plus a video call). And he loves it.

Loves bath night ("BUAH BUAH!"). Has always loved bath time, but it's especially fun lately since I usually let him play in the running water out of the tap for a minute at the end. Also, we've been using Johnson's baby wash lately cuz I missed that particular baby smell and bought a little bottle of it. Now he always smells good the morning after bath night.

But that yummy head smell only lasts so long cuz OMG, we spend so much time outside. If I take him outside and lay out a blanket and bring a book, I can get a solid hour of reading and only be interrupted a few times. And then we play together for another hour. And then I spend 30 minutes trying to convince him we should go inside. And then inevitably a train passes so we just go on a walk to see the train instead. Sigh. I need to buy more sunscreen.

My childhood wagon! He loves it and hangs on tight when riding. We take the wagon over to the school every now and then for free lunch. All the ladies fawn over him and he doesn't understand why they love him. Joseph tells him, "That's what happens when you're one of the beautiful ones."

Snuggles like it's his job. Anytime, anyplace, anything remotely soft or squishy. 

Has ideas. This is probably my favorite thing about this stage (and also, I recognize, the most dangerous haha). He just comes up with somethin and then makes it happen! "I wanna wear this thing on my arm." "What if I climb into this tiny spot?" "How far can I take this trowel of dirt?" "Do you think we could just talk about dogs for a second before I have to go to sleep?" He also smiles for the camera.

Last one: gets real happy about corners. I know every parent finds their child to be a delight on some level, but man this kid is PURE delight. Almost every day. Almost all the time. I fully anticipate our next child being a pure hellian because we've been so lucky to have the world's easiest first child. Let's hope the next 18 months prove to be as fun as the first 18!


  1. He is so cute, and adorable!
    18 months and he already has a great personality.

    1. I'm sorry I didn't see your comment until now. But thank you!! He is truly a delight.

  2. His belly on the blanket...🤣. He’s indescribably delicious!,
