
It's like a new house!

Today we got some art on the walls in one room and rearranged all of the furniture in a different room of our house. 

I went through a big old box of old school papers and kept only the best. I have another box to do tomorrow.

Last week I took every single thing off of our counters and wiped down and rearranged the whole kitchen.

The week before that we cleared and tilled the weediest parts of our yard. And then this week we got some help breaking up and clearing out a patio in the back corner.

Almost forgot this one cuz it was so long ago: we also cleared out the old shed behind our car port that we have literally never cleaned even one tiny bit and it was full of crap from the last two owners and approximately seven billion dead box elder bugs and now it's cleeeeeeean.

Joseph got rid of one small table in his studio and is currently shifting all of his gear and drum set so that they can all breathe better.

I am dying to clear out my closet but haven't had time for it yet. 

And I attribute the fact that any and all of this happened to COVID. 

We're lucky to be able to say this, but: I guess quarantine's not all bad.


  1. You're a rock star! I loooove the rainbow of colors on the bookshelf with cute Brooks. Can you post more pictures of your house please?! That sounds so amazing and refreshing! Aaaand did you make those frames???

    1. Hehe maybe I will do a little house tour. Thanks for the idea!

      My dad and I built those frames and they are a liiiiiitle wonky because of it. I still love em.
