
When "having peaked" is a good thing

I am jazzed tonight because someone I consider to be a reliable enough source to believe (just...trust me) wrote, "I think there is solid evidence that Utah has peaked in the number of new cases."


It's also not guaranteed, by any means. But a few things had me motor-mouthing happily to Joseph over dinner because of this. 

First, it means this pandemic is affecting Utah in a relatively minor way. Even if we haven't peaked, the idea that we could be close still means Utah might come out of this with much better results than many other places. I won't say "unscathed" because, well, we're not. Nobody will come out of this unscathed. But for Utah, this pandemic is still recoverable in many ways. 

Second, it means that the leadership of Utah haven't been just sitting on their hands regarding state lockdown. It means they did what they needed to do when they needed to do it (which was to begin closing down social gatherings relatively earlier than most other places chose to do so), and the effects of that are now being seen. It means that they are watching and using data to inform their choices, acting rather than being acted upon. They know what they are doing! At least, as much as anyone does. *shrug, but happily*

Third, it means that the social distancing guidelines issued for us to last through April 13 could begin (KEY WORD) to be lifted as early as, in fact, April 13! I don't actually think much will happen that day to lift restrictions, but it's not completely ruled out, and a girl can hope.

Finally, it just means the potential beginning of the end of one of the hardest/weirdest periods of rememberable history. This is gonna end eventually. And a peaked curve is the light at the end of this insufferable tunnel.

It's 10:00 and I promised myself to be done by now, so I'm signing off. If you're here, will you comment? Tell me your favorite or least favorite part of quarantine so far. I'll probably post about this project on my Instagram eventually, but...I'm a lil curious whether anyone's still around from my regular blogging days. Anyone out there? Anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so excited to read whatever you have to say! I love the way you write!
