
Current favorites

Favorite food in our fridge: homemade applesauce

Favorite natural disaster: NOT earthquakes

Favorite hair length: probably where it's at

Favorite thing Brooks does right now: this "where is it" sound and shrug combo

Favorite Harry Potter book: historically #6, but I'm open to change on this round of reading

Favorite conspiracy theory: Jeffrey Epstein knew about COVID-19

Favorite article of clothing: army green pants with zip pockets

Favorite vacation that I can't go on right now: San Francisco

Favorite room of our house instead: bedroom (kitchen during naptime)

Favorite plant in my house: Christmas cactus

Favorite Marvel movie: Ragnarok

Favorite student: wait I can't answer that

Fine, favorite teacher moment this week: watching a friendship bud on the discussion boards

Favorite bedtime book: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (I almost have it memorized)

Favorite brand of toilet paper: Kirkland Signature

Favorite baby girl name: Kate

Favorite use of my time this week: framing art that has been sitting around for...years...

Favorite person I've never met: Jesus

Favorite school subject: uh, math?

Favorite question from this list: conspiracy theory, but I started the list to show the Brooks vid. Now you know.


  1. That's quite possibly the cutest Huh? I've ever seen or heard!

    1. Hehe he still does it all day every day and it kills me.
